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Tayla Nguyen

The wall

After returning from online school, the discovery of a mysterious white wall was made by many here at Renaissance International School. Upon entering the school, climbing up the stairs that cascade from the tall, standing flagpole is this wall, which is just a few steps towards the gym. The wall has brought fascination along with the inconvenience that secondary drama students endure. Without any clear answers, this has remained a blank canvas of curiosity in the students' minds till now.

A combination of interviews, thoughts and ideas, to share with you what mysteries hide behind the wall. Originally students assumed it was there to stop children from running around, or to hide those who wronged Renaissance. Our speculation was that they were simply improving or creating a new art gallery there, reconstructing and renovating it. Our thoughts were corroborated when Mr. Richard told us about how some people in year 13 are holding an art exhibition there in April. It could have made sense given that there is a door there. Though the contradicting rumors mentioned its appearance was due to a regulation

Which rumors were the truth? The one person who knew most about this was the one person we had the hardest time getting in contact with. Ms. Oanh in charge of the facilities. Upon seeing her, many of our questions were answered though we had gained even more questions than we had started with. The reason for the wall was the interest in renovating the school. Ms. Oanh mentioned that they had demolished the floor last year, in order to check the current state of the building, with the intentions of a renovation. Yes, the school is being renovated.

Mr. James, the principal, stated that the wall was quote, “a complicated question of Vietnamese building regulations.” He goes on to say that they did not need to check the state of the building reassuring its safety. Due to the regulation, they had to block off that area of the school. It is unclarified if the wall was put there simply because of a general regulation, or a regulation with means to renovate. Aside from that, Mr. James answered many burning questions about the renovation.

The concept of the renovation originated from the owners of the school. Last year, certain members of parliament, briefed the timeline and plan shown by an architect. There was also a consultation involving the owners of the school, teachers, students, parents, and the leadership of the school to allow everybody an opportunity to express their ideas that then inspired the final plan for the renovation. Which includes a total of 6 floors in certain areas, collaborative spaces with modernistic designs. Mr. James Robert Coulson elaborated, “We want to promote 21 learning, which is collaboration, creativity critical thinking.”

The plan for the renovation is ready although they need approval from the Vietnam government to begin the process. The process will be done in stages, during holidays this way students will still be able to go to school. It's sought to be done in a year after approval, though Ms. Oanh presumes it’ll be done in roughly 2-3 years.

Although the reports of it turning into an art gallery were inaccurate, there will still be a year 13 exhibition in April. The mystery of the wall led to the discovery of a beautifully remodeled school in the making. We’re all looking forward to hearing more about the renovation.

Tayla Nguyen


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